Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Campus and Community USG Candidate Report Card

After much deliberation and thought, CCU decided to release a report card for the upcoming USG Elections for a couple key reasons:
  • Sharing with candidates the student concerns that we've gauged over the last year by partnering with a diverse group of campus religious, social, business,and political organizations on campus and off
  • Help students who are concerned about responsible development understand how the candidates fare on the issues they care about
  • Hold candidates accountable to the commitments they make as candidates
Edit 2/18/10: In order to determine which candidates are most committed to creating a university that mutually benefits students and residents of the University Park Community, Campus and Community United has constructed a sort of report card. What we found was encouraging. All the candidates would be great student body presidents and you all expressed a desire to improve the USC Master Plan into a blueprint that is influenced by students, is a booster for the local community, and creates a university that is more socially responsible. Grading was based on five criteria:

1) Candidate's commitment to a Student Voice Committee that grants students the power to vote on decisions concerning USC's $400 million Master Plan. The plan will change the face of our university and we, as students--the main shareholders of the university-- deserve the power to help create a better university.

2) Transparency in the Master Plan. Because the Plan will affect the university and the neighborhood so much, CCU believes that students should be able to influence and at the very least know what new stores and housing is being built and how funds are being allocated.

3) Commitment to affordable student housing. USC's most recent housing options--"University Gateway" and "Tuscany"--can cost a student over $1,000 a month and caters to a high end clientele. CCU wants to be sure that housing constructed in the Master Plan is sustainable ("green"), provides more students with living arrangements during their four years and is accesible to students of all socioeconomic backgrounds

4) Commitment to bettering the University Park Community. USC currently has a number of programs that benefit communities surrounding our university. But there is room for improvement. Candidates were graded on their support of many issues including: local hiring, job training, and a neighborhood opportunity center--an amenity the area desperately needs.

5) Commitment to sustainability. As students, we want USC to continue their pledge to constructing buildings that are environmentally friendly in the Master Plan.

The grades for the Senatorial candidates were based on a series of survey questions that they answered online.

Tell us what you think about the candidates and how you think the report cards can be improved for future election cycles.

Edit 2/17/10:
Link to Daily Trojan article.

Photo artist: http://mcdermid.deviantart.com/art/elementary-school-report-card-124760990
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